5-week update, part 2!

Oops, I realized later I wanted to add a few more things to my weekly updates. Yes, pregnancy brain is already in full effect.

Meds: all taken daily – prenatal vitamins, DHA, probiotic, Levothyroxine 112 mcg, Aspirin 81 mg, Progesterone in oil 50 mg intramuscular injection, Progesterone 100 mg vaginal suppository

Baby is the size of: a sesame seed

Belly pictures: I really debated this since this is still a mostly anonymous blog, but you guys can deal with decapitated bodies, yes? And that’s my new maternity yoga top I’m wearing, so I guess I lied earlier – yup I’m wearing maternity clothes now!


5-week update

First of these update posts! I think I can at least keep up with these throughout the pregnancy, since Thursdays are usually my day off 🙂

How far along: 5 weeks

Total weight gain: Having a hard time determining my “pre-pregnancy” weight since Clomid then stims gave me a 10-lb head start. If I go by the last weight I was just before the Clomid cycle in March, then I’m up 4 lbs, though I’m down 6 lbs from retrieval. Confused yet?

Maternity clothes: Not wearing any yet, though I’m currently washing and prepping some hand-me-downs and Ebay finds, because let’s face it, I’ve had a “bump” for at least a month already – yay stims! I can’t wait until my belly bands arrive next week.

Stretch marks: No, though that reminds me I need to remember to apply coconut oil after showering.

Sleep: It’s weird – I definitely get more daytime fatigue, but then I have trouble getting to bed at a decent hour, my brain is staying too wired I think. And I’m waking up an hour before my alarm consistently now too. At least the night-time peeing seems to have subsided. I’ve bought a cot to keep in my office at work – tip from my coworker, hehe.

Symptoms/Feeling: Mainly HUNGER and peeing frequently. I have seriously never eaten so frequently in my life.

Best moment of this week:  Phone call from the RE’s office that I had a positive beta of 269 on 11dp5dt – I already knew but this made it OFFICIAL!

Miss anything: Runny egg yolks – I used to eat an over-easy egg almost every day, and nearly forgot that I should stop doing that. So now I break up the yolk after it hits the pan 😦

Movement:  Way too early.

Food cravings: Popcorn, especially cheese popcorn. But if you know me, this is also my usual pre-pregnancy craving 😛

Anything making you queasy or sick: Taking my prenatals without drinking LOTS of water.

Have you started to show yet: My Clomid/stim bump has had people asking me if I’m pregnant for over a month already. Strangely enough, nobody has asked me in the last week since I found out I WAS pregnant.

Gender: Too early! I wanted to keep this is a surprise until delivery (because infertility takes so much of the surprise out of everything else), but hubby now wants to find out. And if we’re having twins, I’d definitely want to know early to prepare.

Labor signs: That would be seriously scary right now!

Belly button in or out:  Innie.

Wedding rings on or off: They’re on. Thinking I may need to buy a longer chain to keep them with my fertility amulet at some point – hopefully not for a while.

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy – except when I get really hungry because that’s when I start to feel a little nauseated.

Looking forward to: Splurging on my last NON-maternity dress for a while, that will take me through pregnancy. I LOVE this line! Sometimes she posts deals on Facebook. My friend is also delivering her rainbow baby today, and I can’t wait to see pictures of her little guy!