Beta #2 on 11dp5dt

The RE’s nurse just called to congratulate me on being pregnant, with a beta level of 269! Technically this should have been the first and only beta, but since I cheated and had one done on 8dp5dt, I was able to use the nifty calculator some of you ladies have referenced in the past:


I’m doubling right on track, which is a big relief! So here’s the kicker – I couldn’t plug in 13 days past ovulation for my first number so my green line should be shifted to the left by one day. This tool says that the max level for 16 days past ovulation (which is what I am today) is 223, so I’m just above that threshold – except nowhere on this website does it say how they came up with these numbers. And numbers are all over the map for singleton and twin pregnancies on Betabase. We’ll find out how many I’m carrying in 2 weeks!

I was hoping to get some more decluttering and organizing done this weekend, but napping is sounding much more desirable. Starting at 4:30 this morning, I woke up 3 times to pee. I need to cut back on drinking water in the evenings now.