5dp5dt and keeping myself occupied

After staying low-key the past couple weekends, I’m pretty wiped after this one. I still attended the walk I’d fundraised for yesterday to show support for my patient’s family, but didn’t walk, per my RE’s and acupuncturist’s very strong recommendations against it. My friend met up with me there and we ate breakfast together. This same friend dealt with infertility over a decade ago, and ultimately she and her husband divorced after several unsuccessful rounds of IVF. It was great to talk with somebody who’s gone through all this, who understood all the crazy emotions I’m feeling right now during this seemingly endless 2ww.

Afterwards, I indulged in a sample sale of yoga clothes, and scored some great deals! Funny story while I was there – I’d found a top that seemed like it would fit me, though I couldn’t find a size tag anywhere. I showed it to an employee who said it was a small – something told me she was off and I decided to try it on regardless (I’m a solid medium now with workout clothes). Lo and behold, it fit quite well, and had adjustable shirring in front so you could make it shorter or longer. As I pulled off the tank and looked at it again, I noticed printing on the inside neckline “Beyond … the bump”. It was a maternity top! I almost freaked out, but decided what the heck, pregnant or not, it fit nicely and was super comfortable, and even better I bought it for 80% off! I’ll take it as another good omen 🙂

In the evening, we went on a double date with a friends to an outdoor concert. These friends have some idea of what we’re dealing with, but being younger, unmarried, and nowhere near ready to have kids, didn’t know any specifics. During intermission, the girl asked me how things were going, and I explained IVF and where we were at in the process. She was definitely confused and asked if I was pregnant or not then. I responded until proven otherwise.

Today I attended a bridal shower at one of those places were you pick a ceramic piece and paint it before they glaze and fire it for you to pick up later. Most everybody else picked plates and bowls, while I went for a small owl. Did I secretly hope this would be the first decor piece for a future nursery? Of course, but I do have a thing for owls anyways. I’m excited to see how it turns out. It was fun to catch up with the others there, and definitely helped the day go by faster.

As much as I can’t believe I’m back to a full work week tomorrow, it should be good to keep my mind off of things. 6 days until beta!