Grieving while your toddler is being an asshole

Well, I haven’t cried nearly as much today as I thought I would, because instead I’ve been angry and raising my voice at my asshole toddler. C has decided this is the perfect time to hit, kick, and pinch to get a rise out of us. If i’m calm and focused, I just stop whatever we’re doing and leave the room. The problem is, I moved past the denial stage of grieving pretty quickly and am in the angry stage. So I have definitely raised my voice and yelled a few times. She of course finds this HILARIOUS, which only serves to make me angrier. I think I’m even more upset that she hasn’t attempted to look for our dead cat, which is silly because isn’t this what I wanted? For her to not be sad and move on? I mean, how much do I really expect for her to understand? She did enjoy looking at pictures and videos of him, but then moved right onto whatever she wanted to do next.

I really wanted to get out of the house too, and C just wasn’t having it. Threw a fit about not picking the right shoes, ran screaming to her playroom for us to open the door. As soon as she went down for her nap, I took off to buy some frames for prints of the animals to keep at my office and at home. Unfortunately, when I returned less than an hour later, she was stirring from her nap and woke up fully when she heard the door. I ended up passing out on the bed in her room for over an hour while she continued to bop around her crib wide awake. So thankful she didn’t fight us going down early tonight.

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